Spiritual Aspirant Initiation (SAI)

As women, we have the innate POWER to change our world. It’s time to reclaim and reawaken your dormant Sacred Feminine POWER, which is your inherent feminine birthright deeply embedded within your womb. When we as feminine beings spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically cleanse and purify our own womb, we naturally contribute to the healing of the Womb of our Earth Mother and our collective human family. SAI is designed to assist you in:

  • Having intimate access to ancient goddess wisdom from the inside out, and authentically re-embodying the truth of who you really are as a powerful feminine being and living your life fearlessly from the inside out.
  • Having a clearer knowledge base of your sacred gifts from the inside-out, as well as becoming reconnected to the natural flow of endless creativity, ignited potential and the inner guidance of when, where, and how to navigate your life’s journey.
  • Laying a solid foundation for beginning the Sacred Feminine Mysteries (SFM) initiation if that is your calling.

After your Spiritual Aspirant Initiation, you can expect:

  • To better understand how feminine energy manifests in your life.
  • How to enter into sacred communication with your ancestors, and why that is important.

The importance of ritual and why it is the foundation for creating a powerful connection with our Earth Mother and universal energies.

Sacred Feminine Mysteries Initiation into The Priesthood (SFM)

The Sacred Feminine Mysteries Initiation – Passage into The Great Mother (the feminine face of God) is for those women who are ready to answer that unrelenting Inner Spiritual Calling into the Sacred Feminine Mysteries priesthood. As a Priestess of the Sacred Feminine Mysteries, you are reawakened to the realization that you are here to make practical and spiritual use of your awakened consciousness, spiritual gifts, talents, abilities, and life’s purpose in the way of service to humanity and, to re-establishing your personal covenant with The Great Mother.

It’s up to YOU to reclaim your Sacred Feminine POWER. It’s your BIRTH RIGHT. Will you be ONE of the ONE MILLION to liberate your Sacred Feminine POWER so that you can live the spectacular life that you deserve and contribute to co-creating a better WORLD?

Journey into Sacred Sexual Healing, Liberation and Wholeness

Start Your Journey Today!

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